Sustainable food: public attitudes and engagement in the UK,…
This research was commissioned by the Science Museum Group, supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. We in Flow Associates formed a research team with Flow India and People’s Palace Projects do Brasil, to consult adults, families, schools and professionals in the UK, Brazil and India to discover their knowledge and views about food sustainability, and how they could be engaged more effectively.
We were really pleased to carry out this important research. You can download the main research report from the SMG website here.
If you’ve arrived at this blogpost from a URL in the main report, you might be looking for the appendices. These provide full resources about our methodology, detailed research into the context of each of the three countries, and full accounts of our conversations and analysis of the online survey.
You can download the appendices from here:
Do let us know what you think. We’re keen to carry on conversations and enquiries about public engagement in sustainability and wellbeing, in food and other areas.